This Valentine’s Day consider showing the ones you love you care by supporting American small businesses. It’s a double win to show those you love you care with little tokens and you are supporting communities and small businesses throughout our nation. Instant love fest!
We have Valentine ideas for your love, your kids, even your dog and yourself! Every single one honors America in some way and is made in the USA and is considered an American Small Business. Without further Ado… Valentine’s Day, the made in the USA way!!! You’re gonna LOVE IT!
Valentine for your Dog- Made in USA
Your dog gives you unconditional love. And let’s face it, fuzz therapy is the absolute best! Last year, This Family learned from Side by Side which is a fascinating brand of food, treats and supplements for your dog. Side by Side is based on a food system from the far east that focuses on balance and healing within. It’s a back to the basics approach to dog health and it’s made in the good ol’ USA.
We (and by we I mean Bailey) tried the stew, the jerky treats, the capsules, and the freeze dried patties. Now, they look a little, well ‘natural’ so perhaps not as pretty as the highly processed foods you typically see in a store but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding…or in this case, the stew. Bailey LOVED it! I mean LOVED it! He got to the point that when he heard me open the packages he would run into the kitchen and actually started to drool. Eew but true. He cleaned his bowl instantly and thoroughly every time. It was actually pretty funny. Point being it’s good stuff and so we share it with other dogs in the family. This dog was a terrier and basically a 98 year old man who is blind, deaf, and has mobility issues. His reaction? Very similar, drool and all, and I have to say, he did seem a bit more spritely after eating it for about two weeks. They both give it rave reviews. All the paws up. Way up! Perfect Valentine for your Furry Friend.
Show Your Valentine Love All Year Long- American Crates
This Valentine can be as long lasting as you want it to be! It’s a gender neutral subscription box that totes the ‘Best of America Every Month’. I love this because it takes the guess work out of the process. Everything in it is made in America and they have options to suit all budgets. It’s a little bit of a surprise each month but that’s what makes it fun and you are, of course supporting American small businesses. I won’t give it all away but I can tell you there are fun as well as useful items in the boxes, my personal favorite being bacon…because, um, who doesn’t like bacon?

Patriotic Apparel and Mugs for your Valentine
We’ve featured these guys before but we’re featuring them again as they are a business that has been blocked on social media and they could use a hand in getting the word out on their products. They specialize in patriotic apparel and drink ware. Some of their stuff is classic, some of it ‘beats on your chest’ American, and some of their stuff is just plain creative and silly. It’s a good variety to browse when you are sleuthing a Valentine for someone who is anywhere from a history lover to die hard patriot.
We all have shirts from here. Madison loves her ‘Signers’ shirt featuring all the signers of the Declaration of Independence. I have the simple shirt that simply says ‘Patriot’ and even though I’m not a big t shirt girl, I wear this one on a regular basis. Josh likes his simple flag hat and Sage has a flag t shirt. We tend to go for the simple and classic and I have to say the quality of the items is great. One more sweet treat… use the coupon code this familyblog. ?
1776 United
Give the Gift of Gettysburg
What? Yeah, I know, but it got your attention right? Hey around here we are big fans of lifelong learning and modern technology is providing all kinds of new ways to explore our nation’s history. QuantumERA developed a wicked cool app called Gettysburg: A Nation Divided and it gives you a chance to explore the battle and the grounds like never before as it is immersive. What’s more is you can do it at home and then when you visit the place in person, it’s an amazing way to bring the historic site to life. I’m talking selfies with Lincoln people. How fun is that? Scott Eastwood is a fan and so are we! HINT: We found this app to be a particularly fun thing for Grandpa to do with Grandchildren. Can’t ever beat making a memory with grandpa…Valentine’s Day or any day… THE best!
SO…here’s the super fun part. You can try the app out FREE! If you like it, you can get full access with the in-app purchase and our code. So when you download use ‘TRY OUT APP’ to view three scenes for free. Then, after you love it, enter the code ‘thisfamilyblog’ and immerse yourself, your kids, whomever, in history.
Gettysburg: A Nation Divided App
Play Dress Up with your Valentine
Have you ever been interested in living history? Do you want to dress up and have fun but have NO IDEA where to start? You are not alone my friend! It’s a super fun world but can be daunting. We’ve been involved in living history pretty much my whole life but I’m still learning things all the time. Allow me to introduce you to a new acquaintance of mine, Kendall. She brilliantly put together a membership site titled Beginner’s Guide to Eighteenth Century Living. It is a perfect place to explore the many different ways to get involved in the living history scene. There are documents, checklists, videos, and an interactive community. It’s a unique gift that will introduce you and yours to a whole new world.
We love living history and this year, Sage and I are hand sewing outfits one piece at a time, eighteenth century style. We love playing dress up and it’s even better when there is a story attached to the experience. Living history is a super fun way to explore an area or a genealogy or to just play for a day. Way past Valentine’s Day, this membership site will keep you in projects and fun and fill you with ideas for days and days and days. Talk about old fashioned fun!
Beginners Guide to Eighteenth Century Living
Bring Your Valentine Coffee
Since 1776, this has been a fine American choice for a Valentine, or you know, any day that ends in Y really. Black Rifle Coffee was founded by veterans and employs veterans. Now the coffee beans are imported yes, but the blend and roast them up right here in the USA. My favorite thing about Black Rifle? Every purchase gives to veterans, law enforcement, and first responders.
Now we happen to love coffee in this house and we like it strong. Our picks are Blackbeard’s Delight and Beyond Black.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day
Everyone has a story worth telling. Too often however, people don’t think that about themselves. It’s true though. Us humans are social creatures by nature and we base our entire world’s understanding of human connection. The first connection should really be with ‘self’. Your Story Matters is a little journey into discovering your own story and how it is worthwhile. It’s not a self-help book but rather a guide to turning inward and looking at yourself and your life with a different lens. Linda Olsen does a lovely job and she also offers a course to accompany the book. *hugs*
Your Story Matters

Final Thoughts
Personally, I’ve never really been big on giving gifts for Valentine’s Day. I really thought it was a marketing ply to get you to buy more junk you didn’t need or really want. I mean, who is actually eating all that candy? And didn’t we just have Christmas?? BUT as time goes on I realize it’s never a bad time to tell someone you care about them. One thing is for sure about this life and that is that nothing is for sure so now I make a point to let people know I love them all the time.
These gift ideas are more than just a thing to give. They are experiences to share and ways to connect on personal levels and THAT to me friends, is how you show love…you create memories. It doesn’t matter if it’s opening a surprise box, learning something, or clicking cups. It’s the laughter and smiles and sometimes ridiculousness that accompanies all that. And THAT is worth supporting Valentine’s Day and every day!
And the very best part?!?!?!?!? These ALL support our American Entrepreneurs, the lifeblood of our economy. And they couldn’t all use some love right now? I mean seriously So when you purchase from any of these fine companies, you support them, the economy, AND your valentine!!! It’s like a giant love explosion! BOOM BABY!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope it’s super sweet!
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We send out an email with some regularity. (I say some because you know, life) In it you’ll find stories, fun ways to explore America and its history in fun and unique ways. We’ll introduce you to people and products like these, and we’ll generally share knowledge and fun. Sound like a great idea? Sign up below…and Welcome to the Family!